Our Services “Cliff Notes Version”
From prenatal to age 21, Plum has your wellness needs covered. Our services include Prenatal Touring of our facility, Newborn Care, Well Child Care, Vision / Hearing Testing, & Lab Testing.
Sometimes healthcare just needs a proactive approach. Plum embraces preventative care by offering Dietary / Nutrition Guidance, Immunization Services, School / Sports Physicals, and Coming Soon a suite of Lactation Resources.
Whether your an infant or teenager no one ever enjoys being sick. Plum understands this is a delicate time and that your needs should be addressed with compassion. Our Sick Child Diagnosis & Treatment Services are tailored to getting you back on your feet.
Specialty Care.
We all need some Specialty Care from time to time. Plum is uniquely positioned to help with many of these needs. In addition to our network of Speciality Referral resources Plum has also expanded it’s role to provide Developmental Care to High Risk Infants.
Plum’s Enhanced Services